Generations of Excellence in Catholic Education
The Archdiocese of Philadelphia is committed to the concept that all children are unique, learn at different rates and are to be challenged to their fullest potential. The Learning Support Program (ILSP) is for students with diagnosed learning disabilities and/or a 504 Plan at the elementary level. Its unique emphasis is on learning strategies and daily study skills to help children foster independence. Students are challenged to learn self-acceptance, self-discipline, cooperation skills, consistent work habits, and to become responsible members of the community.
The primary role of Learning Support Program at Saint Agnes School is to offer a Christ-centered, quality academic education within the Catholic school environment for students with diagnosed learning disability in Reading and/or Math and or/a 504 Plan. The growth of the whole child is our priority. Most importantly is the development of a relationship with God. Students in the ILSP are fully incorporated into the life of the school in particular, they join with their peers to take part in prayer and liturgical celebrations.
Elementary students receive specialized instruction for math and/or reading which addresses their learning disability and specialized guidance toward growth in their 504 Plan. They join their peers in their own grade level for religion,social studies, science, physical education, music, computer and art, thereby assuring integration across the curriculum.
For a student to be considered for the ILSP, they must be diagnosed with a specific learning disability and/or have proof of needing a 504 Plan, be of average age or above average intelligence and possess an eagerness to learn and cooperate. In addition, the following tests must be conducted and submitted:
A full psycho-educational evaluation completed within the last two years including: WISC-III or Stanford Binet Test, Math Inventory, Perception Test and a Reading Inventory. (Home School District).
Relevant medical/health records including a neurological evaluation, if applicable.
A student's most recent CER or IEP, if applicable.
Upon acceptance, students are fully incorporated into their designated school and are responsible for complying with all the rules and regulations. After careful assessment, an Instructional Plan(IP) is constructed for each student to assure that academic needs are met at their present level of achievement. Their IP will progress at a rate that enhances the student's potential for success.