Generations of Excellence in Catholic Education
The mission of the WCASD Health Services Department is to provide necessary, skilled nursing assessments and services in order to promote the education of all students. Registered Nurses are present at Saint Agnes School Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday.
Nurses in schools have multiple responsibilities. They are responsible for treating all illnesses and injuries that occur during the school day. They perform several state-mandated health screenings for every student every year. They track and report the physical examination, dental examination and immunization requirements of the PA. Dept. of Health. They monitor public health communicable-disease concerns and they provide a wide variety of medically prescribed daily procedures, so that all students may access the curriculum. School Nurses take their role as health educators and health promoters seriously as well.
Parents are encouraged to communicate directly with the nurse regarding any health concern that may impact the student’s day in school. The best nursing interventions occur with the most amount of information.
The health office at Saint Agnes is covered by three nurses. The direct phone number is (610) 436-5538. The school fax number is (610) 436-9631. Email for the nurses is: [email protected].
Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
Tuesday (8am-3pm)
All medications must be kept in the nurse’s office. Parents must check the emergency cards to approve administration of Tylenol, Antacid (Tums) and Benadryl (for severe allergic reactions only).
Ibuprofen (Motrin/Advil) may be sent in with a parent note to administer.
ALL other medications must have a note from the parent and health care provider. The note should indicate the name dose and time that the medication should be given. This includes Epipens, inhalers and prescription medications, as well as over the counter cold and cough medicines. Antibiotics and other medications that are given three times a day or less should be taken at home.
PA requires a physical examination be submitted to the school nurse at three separate times during your student’s education: on entry (or new to the district), 6th grade and again in 11th grade. Written reports of physicals performed for other reasons are fine.
The required physicals must have been performed anytime after the previous September of the required grade. Any computerized print-out from the physician is acceptable; it does not need to be on the exact Penna. Private Physician Report. Parents have 60 days from school entry to provide a private exam report. Failure to comply may result in school exclusion.
If your child receives an immunization during the visit, please double-check that the immunization is documented on the physical form. School nurses are required by the state to keep immunizations up to date.
DON’T WAIT-------VACCINATE. The immunization requirements have changed.
Effective August 1st, 2017, the Pennsylvania Department of Health is strengthening school immunization requirements. These changes are intended to further ensure that students are adequately protected against potential outbreaks of vaccine-preventable diseases. Students who do not meet the new vaccine requirements within five days of beginning school will not be permitted in school until the vaccine requirements are met.
Highlights of the vaccine requirement changes include:
It is critical that students meet all vaccine requirements for the start of the 2023-2024 school year. If you have questions about your child’s vaccination record, please consult your physician. Your school nurse is also available to answer any questions you may have.
Students are required to have a dental exam completed by their own dental provider on entry to school and in grades 3 and 7. Private examination reports will be accepted from 1 year prior to the start of the school year.
When to Keep Kids Home
Respiratory illnesses must be determined on a case by case basis. If your child has a history of asthma, your health care provider should advise you about treatment. Even children without asthma have difficulty focusing on learning when they have a persistent, hacking cough. Please help us limit the spread of germs by keeping sick children home, and also reinforcing hand washing and proper cough etiquette.
NO SHELLFISH in school due to anaphylactic allergies.