Generations of Excellence in Catholic Education
Students in Grades 5 to 8 must maintain the following criteria to be admitted to and remain in the Honors Math Program at Saint Agnes School:
*Failure to maintain the stated criteria will result in removal from the program.
If a student is removed from the Honors Math Program, the student will be placed in a math group based on the following:
Advanced Math Program Criteria:
CSI Score: In the range of 115 (Found on the In-View of the Terra Nova Test)
Terra Nova Test Scores: Reading above the 80th percentile - Math above the 80th percentile
Math Grades on Report Card: 85 or above
End of level math assessments: 80 or above
Teacher Recommendation
On-Level Math Program Criteria:
*Students placed in the on-level program have not met the criteria set for Honors or Advanced Math.