Generations of Excellence in Catholic Education
Your thoughtful support allows Saint Agnes School to continue our tradition of providing an excellent academic program in a faith filled learning environment for our students while keeping tuition levels affordable for all school families.
Your gift helps to bridge the gap between what the school receives in tuition, what the parish provides in subsidy, and what it actually costs to educate each student.
Academic programs, need-based financial aid & scholarships, technology, and resources for new programs are a few of the many areas that Saint Agnes School benefits from your gift.
It provides the school flexibility to absorb unexpected costs and maintenance throughout the campus while helping us to keep tuition increases to a minimum by providing much-needed financial aid to ensure that these increases do not become a burden to those students who most need it.
To support Saint Agnes School, please select from the various forms of giving stated below:
Check by mail - You can mail a check payable to Saint Agnes School; 211 W. Gay Street; West Chester, PA 19380 at any time. Our fiscal year runs from July 1 to June 30, so you can plan your gift accordingly.
On-line Giving - Saint Agnes School has an online giving platform. Simply visit the Give Now button at the bottom of this page.
Memorial Gifts - Remember your family member, graduate, former faculty member or friend. Memorial Gifts can be made at any time in tribute to them.
Recurring Gifts - Gifts can be made to Saint Agnes School monthly, quarterly or semi-annually. The monthly recurring gift option has been quite popular with many Stag Donors.
Major Gift Options - If you would like to consider Saint Agnes School as a recipient of a special gift, please contact our Advancement Director at [email protected] or call us at 610-696-1260.
Matching Gifts - By matching employee gifts, businesses ensure that their charitable resources support causes important to their employees and the community. You may be able to double, or even triple, the amount of your gift to Saint Agnes School at no additional cost to you. Many companies even match gifts made by retirees and/or spouses. Your company’s human resources department should be able to provide information on how to apply for a matching gift.
If you or your spouse works for a company with a matching gifts program, follow these steps to double your gift:
We will complete the process on our end, and you will be credited for doubling your gift.
Your gift, no matter the amount, has a direct impact on our students and supports our mission of preparing our students with academic excellence, spiritual growth, love of self and others - thank you!